Our international clouds are built for Virtual Private Servers (VPS) with multiple grades of computing power and resource allocation. This has many uses such as virtual server deployments for Web, Email, VPN, App or database development and operation. With a bullet proof group of network providers in data centers that meet and exceed our minimum specification requirement. Like AWS or Digital Ocean, we decided to find a solution which is regional and scalable with separated hypervisors and storage arrays to maximise resiliency. Instead of building our own, we decided to partner with a cloud supplier.
Starting in 2014 by David Aninowsky, developed a KVM-based platform which does just what we wanted. Now owned by The Constant Company LLC, Vultr is strategically located in 32 datacenters around the globe and provides frictionless provisioning of public cloud, storage and single-tenant bare metal. It’s on a mission to empower developers and businesses by simplifying the deployment of infrastructure via its advanced cloud platform.
We use Intel Xeon & AMD EPYC CPU technology to provide a range of mid range and high level computing hypervisor rental – all backed with our SSD or NVMe storage arrays.
Data Centers
We’re now available in 32 data centers around the world, all world-class partners with N+1 or more resiliency for power, cooling and connectivity.
Toronto – Canada
Mexico City – Mexico
São Paulo – Brazil
Warsaw – Poland
Atlanta – United States
Honolulu – United States
Chicago – Illinois
Dallas – Texas
Los Angeles – California
Miami – Florida
New York Area
San Francisco Bay Area – California
Seattle – Washington
Amsterdam – Netherlands
London – United Kingdom
Frankfurt – Germany
Paris – France
Madrid – Spain
Stockholm – Sweden
Tokyo – Japan
Seoul – Korea, Republic of
Singapore – Singapore
Bangalore – India
Sydney – Australia
Melbourne -Australia
Mumbai – India
Delhi NCR – India
Santiago – Chile
Tel Aviv-Yafo – Israel
Johannesburg – South Africa
Osaka – Japan
Manchester – United Kingdom
100% uptime with one of the largest networks in the world, backed by a group of trusted providers such as GTT, Lumen, NTT & Telia with over 2Tbps of capacity and 200Gbps of DDoS protection. This ultrafast network enabling you to spin up and easily scale a low latency infrastructure solution for your server deployments, no matter where you need them.
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